Our Partners
Открытая Литературная Школа Алматы (ОЛША) действует с 2009-го года, продолжая инициативу и деятельность Общественного фонда «Мусагет» (1998-2008). Создателями ОЛША стали алматинские литераторы-выпускники мастер-классов «Мусагета» под руководством Михаила Земскова.
The Open Literary School @ Nazarbayev University was founded in 2019 in partnership with the Open Literary School of Almaty. Initially, OLS@NU aimed to provide free, open and equitable Creative Writing instruction in English, Russian and Kazakh to NU students, staff and families. In the Fall of 2021, OLS@NU has expanded its reach to offer free online creative writing courses to any interested participants.
Almaty Writing Residency is an international project of Olga Markova Open Literature School of Almaty (OLSA) and the renowned IWP International Writing Program. With the pilot Writers Residency in Kazakhstan taking place in 2021, it will become an annual event for Kazakhstani writers, poets, and authors from near and far.